Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
June 2009
Bringing Security Home: Combating Violence Against Women in the OSCE Region - A Compilation of Good Practices
Publisher(s):This publication documents more than 95 good practices to help eliminate gender-based violence and highlights their impact in preventing violence against women, protecting victims and prosecuting offenders. Strategies for involving men and young people in anti-violence activities are also described.
- General Material
June 2009
Does Sex Offender Registration and Notification Reduce Crime? A Systematic Review of the Research Literature
Publisher(s):They conducted a systematic review of all research evidence throughout the United States and located nine rigorous evaluations. Seven of these studies address whether the laws influence 'specific' deterrence and the effect of a law on the recidivism rates of convicted sex offenders. The other two studies analyze 'general' deterrence and the effect of a law on sex offense rates of the general public, as well as recidivism rates of convicted sex offenders.
- General Material
June 2009
Going Home: The Washington State Reentry Project Interim Report: 18-Month Recidivism Rates for Program Participants
Publisher(s):The Institute was contracted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Department of Corrections' 'Going Home Project.' The program was designed to transition younger, high-risk, violent offenders into the community. To date, not enough time has passed to conduct an outcome evaluation with a comparison group and 36-month follow-up. This interim report outlines the research design and provides 18-month recidivism rates for program participants.
- General Material
June 2009
Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges
Publisher(s): The purpose of this work is to describe to practitioners what the research tells us about domestic violence, including its perpetrators and victims, the impact of current responses to it and, more particularly, the implications of that research for day-to-day, real-world responses to domestic violence by law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges.
- General Material
June 2009
Domestic violence legislation and its implementation: An analysis for ASEAN countries based on international standards and good practices
Publisher(s):This document analyzes domestic violence legislation in ASEAN countries with reference to international standards, specifically the CEDAW and UDHR.
- General Material
May 2009
The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: America's Prostituted Children
Publisher(s):The report reveals shocking findings of three years of intensive research on the issue of child sex trafficking in America from ten locations across the U.S.& Research locations ranged from areas as diverse as Salt Lake City, Utah to Clearwater, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada. Some important key findings include:
- General Material
May 2009
Prosecuting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence at the International Criminal Court
Publisher(s):This document analyzes the effectiveness of the Internal Criminal Court (ICC) in achieving justice for sexual violence survivors in conflict-affected areas and the role of ICC in preventing conflict-related sexual violence.
- General Material
May 2009
Transforming Communities to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: A Primary Prevention Approach
Publisher(s):The following pages lay out a primary prevention approach with a special focus on effecting change by influencing policies and altering organizational practices.We begin with a short discussion of emerging environmental challenges followed by an examination of specific norms that contribute to child sexual abuse and exploitation.
- General Material
- Training Tools
April 2009
National Recommended Best Practices for Serving LGBT Homeless Youth
Publisher(s):These recommendations for best practices for serving LGBT homeless youth include three sections. The first section consists of steps individuals who have regular direct contact with youth can take to improve experiences of LGBT youth in accessing services. The second section provides information on steps to improve agency-wide culture and effectiveness in serving LGBT youth. The third section outlines specific steps for administrators and youth workers to improve experiences of youth in residential settings such as emergency shelters and longer term transitional living.
- NRCDV Publications
- General Material
April 2009
Enhancing the Safety Net for Individuals and Families: A Summary of Key Provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Publisher(s):This resource describes available public benefits included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, including SSI, unemployment, tax credits, COBRA continuation coverage, medical assistance, housing, food assistance, and education benefits.
- General Material
April 2009
Disability and HIV Policy Brief
Publisher(s):World Health Organization (WHO), Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
This comprehensive policy brief discusses the actions needed to increase the participation of persons with disabilities in the HIV response and ensure they have access to HIV services which are both tailored to their diverse needs and equal to the services available to others in the community.
- General Material
April 2009
Sex Offender Registration and Notification: Limited Effects in New Jersey
Publisher(s):The primary goal of the study was to examine the impact of the law on New Jersey as a whole and each county within the state.