Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
July 2006
Empirically Examining the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence: The Revised Domestic Violence Screening Instrument (DVSI-R)
Publisher(s):This report shares findings that support the concurrent and predictive validity of the DVSI-R and show that it is robust in its applicability. The findings further show that incidents involving multiple victims are highly associated with DVSI-R risk scores and recidivistic violence.
- General Material
June 2006
Sex Offender Recidivism in Missouri and Community Correction Options
Publisher(s):There has been substantial public scrutiny over the release of sex offenders to the community, predominantly for individuals who have assaulted young children. The vast majority of sex offenders, however, will be returned to the community following incarceration. Understanding the recidivism patterns of sex offenders and successful community corrections options are one step in developing effective sentencing and correctional policies.
- General Material
June 2006
Secure File Deletion: Fact or Fiction?
Publisher(s):This document describes how information contained in deleted files on one's personal hard drive may be recoverable or found in other files. It describes methods for secure file deletion, including a list of resources for free and commercial tools.
- General Material
May 2006
Fact Sheet on Federal Prosecutions of Trafficking Cases in the United States
Publisher(s):Briefly outlines selected US federal sex and labor trafficking cases, and cases of sexual violence and labor trafficking and sex tourism. TVPA and PROTECT Act of 2003 also mentioned.
- General Material
May 2006
Citywide Minimum Wage Laws: a New Policy tool for Local Governments
Publisher(s):Initial research and impact of these measures on local workers, businesses and communities is also reviewed. Differences with living wage and our wage legislation are covered.
- General Material
April 2006
Battered Immigrants and U.S. Citizen Spouses
Publisher(s):This study reveals that the rate of abuse is higher among immigrant women who are married to American citizens. Examples of immigration-related tactics of abuse are provided.
- NRCDV Publications
- General Material
April 2006
The Allstate Foundation's Domestic Violence Program: A National Partnership with NNEDV to Reduce the Economic Barriers to Safety and Security of Women and their Families
Publisher(s):This BCS newsletter features the Allstate Foundation’s Domestic Violence Program. The main article covers the three primary program components and highlights activities of the FY05 state domestic violence coalition grantees.
- General Material
March 2006
Reproductive Rights as Human Rights
Publisher(s):"Reproductive rights activists in the United States underutilize the global human rights framework. This is largely because many are unfamiliar with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and international treaties that protect women's reproductive rights. Reproductive justice advocates should become familiar with the human rights obligations of the U.S. government... Eight Categories of Human Rights: Civil, Political, Economic, Social, Cultural, Environmental, Developmental and Sexual."
- General Material
- Training Tools
March 2006
When Deaf and Hearing Meet: Until We Can Communicate with Ease - A work-book for Hearing People Connected to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Disability, and Related Programs
Publisher(s):This workbook offers introductory information about language, culture, and respectful interactions between hearing and Deaf, helping the user feel comfortable, confident, creative, and competent to provide respectful assistance to Deaf individuals.
- General Material
March 2006
Sexual Violence and Homelessness
Publisher(s):This fact sheet provides information on the link between homelessness and sexual violence, the barriers homeless face in receiving services, and what rape crisis centers can do to meet the needs of the homeless. It provides general information on the topic as well as information and statistics specific to Pennsylvania.
- General Material
February 2006
Washington State's Community Notification Law: 15 Years of Change
Publisher(s):Washington State's Community Notification Law: 15 Years of Change by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy (2006)
In 1990, Washington became the first state to authorize the release of information regarding sex offenders to the public. Since then, the law has been amended numerous times to expand its application, increase uniformity across counties, and increase citizen access.
- NRCDV Publications
- General Material
February 2006
Marital Rape: New Research and Directions
Publisher(s):VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)
This document provides an overview of the research on marital rape including a brief legal history of marital rape; discussion of its occurrence; summary of the effects; and an analysis of practitionersí intervention with marital rape survivors.