Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
March 2016
My Body, My Rights
Publisher(s):This toolkit includes information about sexual and reproductive rights (SRR) violations in Ireland, Tunisia, and Burkina Faso; actions and strategies to defend SRR; and ideas for action to promote SRR in your own community.
- General Material
March 2016
HIV and Intimate Partner Violence Among Asian American and Pacific Islander Women
Publisher(s):Asian American and Pacific Islander women and girls face unique obstacles as they operate in a social sphere shrouded in silence and stigma about HIV and IPV. This factsheet raises awareness about the nexus of HIV and IPV, analyzes factors contributing to elevated risk for Asian American and Pacific Islander women and girls, and contextualizes cultural barriers.
- General Material
March 2016
Gender-Integrated Shelters: Experience and Advice
Publisher(s):This report focuses on the agencies who have integrated or are in the process of integrating transgender and gender nonconforming individuals, as well as men, into their domestic violence shelters.
- General Material
March 2016
Do You See How Much I'm Suffering Here? Abuse Against Transgender Women in U.S. Immigration Detention
Publisher(s): This report documents 28 cases of transgender women who were held in US immigration detention between 2011 and 2015, more than half of whom were held in men’s facilities at some point.
- General Material
March 2016
Minors and Sexting: Legal Implications
Publisher(s): Because transferring and viewing sexually explicit material when the subject is a minor can be considered child pornography, sexting among minors can have serious legal consequences. This article explores some of the legal implications of teen sexting.
- General Material
February 2016
Battered Spouse, Children & Parents
Publisher(s): This resource provides an overview of the process of applying for a VAWA self-petition process. It explores eligibility requirements and contains links to the appropriate documentation for submitting an application.
- General Material
February 2016
Improving the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Would Help Working Families and Promote Tax Fairness for Women
Publisher(s):For nearly 60 years, Congress has recognized that the childcare expenses parents incur in order to earn income should be acknowledged in the tax code. This review provides an opportunity to strengthen and improve the CDCTC to reflect the needs of the increased number of mothers of young children in the labor force and the rising costs of child care.
- General Material
February 2016
The Child Tax Credit: Economic Analysis and Policy Options
Publisher(s):This report provides an economic analysis of the child tax credit, explores how the credit has affected taxpayers' behavior about working and having children, and examines the complexity of administering this tax provision in the context of other child-related tax benefits.
- General Material
February 2016
Social Networking Privacy: How to be Safe, Secure and Social
Publisher(s):This page reviews advantages and disadvantages of using social networks, what kind of information may be safe to post and how to protect it, as well as who is able to access different types of information posted to these networks.
- General Material
- Training Tools
February 2016
Serving Trans Survivors: A 101 Training for Advocates
Publisher(s): This webinar is designed to assist sexual assault service providers in better serving transgender survivors. Many providers are committed to serving transgender clients, but seek additional information in order to provide more competent and sensitive services. This webinar will primarily focus on basic transgender concepts, but will include references and examples specific to sexual assault service providers.
- General Material
February 2016
The Blueprint for Campus Police: Responding to Sexual Assault
Publisher(s): The purpose of the Blueprint for Campus Police: Responding to Sexual Assault is to fill gaps in current research and identify best practices in campus police response to sexual assault. This resource is intended to serve as a guide or toolkit for police at all levels (chief executives, investigation, and patrol) in response to sexual assault crimes with the implementation of victim-centered and trauma-informed approaches.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
February 2016
How can we develop culturally specific programs to engage youth of color?
Publisher(s): In NRCDV's February 2016 TA Question of the month, Ivonne Ortiz discusses the importance of culturally specific programs for youth of color and offers examples.