Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
January 2013
Domestic Violence
Publisher(s): This domestic violence prevention and response guide provides an overview of considerations and strategies that police officers can utilize to address domestic violence through problem-solving and police-community partnerships.
- General Material
January 2013
Human Trafficking and Sexual Assault
Publisher(s):This presentation describes human trafficking and tits connections to sexual violence.
- General Material
January 2013
TransVisible: Transgender Latina Immigrants in U.S. Society
Publisher(s): This study seeks to make visible the social and legal barriers that negatively impact the lives of many Trans Latina immigrants.
- General Material
January 2013
Safety Planning: A Guide for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals who are Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence
Publisher(s):This guide provides an overview of intimate partner violence and safety planning for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, including step-by-step information on laying the groundwork, staying safe at home, packing an emergency bag, financial planning, safe havens, staying safe in a new home, job and public safety, orders of protection, protecting children and pets, and emotional support.
- General Material
January 2013
The Intersection of Immigrant Enforcement and the Child Welfare System
Publisher(s):The Court Corner of Synergy on page 14 provides an overview of a case that looks at whether immigration judges are required to inform non-citizens of their potential eligibility for U-visas. Available in English and Spanish.
- General Material
- Training Tools
January 2013
Creative Strategies for Outreaching and Working Effectively with Immigrant Survivors of Sexual Violence in the Workplace
Publisher(s):In light of immigration enforcement and the economic climate, now more than ever, immigrant women are vulnerable to experiencing sexual violence in the workplace. Across the country, immigrant-working women with and without work authorization are subjected to adverse working conditions and victimization at alarming rates. During this webinar, presenters focus on creative community organizing and screening and outreach strategies to identify survivors. This webinar also introduces basic legal remedies available.
- General Material
January 2013
50 Years and Counting: The Unfinished Business of Achieving Fair Pay
Publisher(s):This report shines a light on federal and state policies that can help close the wage gap. It identifies the remaining barriers to achieving fair pay for women and concrete steps that can be taken by federal and state policymakers to ensure that women and their families are not struggling indefinitely to make do with less.
- General Material
January 2013
Fox in the Henhouse: A Study of Police Officers Arrested for Crimes Associated with Domestic and/or Family Violence
Publisher(s):This study provides empirical data on cases of officer-involved domestic violence (OIDV). It identifies and describes cases in which police were arrested for criminal offenses associated with an incident of family and/or domestic violence through a content analysis of published newspaper articles. The study includes a discussion regarding OIDV police crime and policy implications.
- General Material
January 2013
Domestic Violence as a Basis for Asylum: An Analysis of 206 Case Outcomes in the United States From 1994 to 2012
Publisher(s):This article aims to shed light on decision making trends and provide greater transparency to the asylum system. This article argues that without clear guidance, the United States will continue to shirk its international obligations to protect women who present bona fide claims for relief.
- General Material
January 2013
Access to Healthcare for Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault
Publisher(s):This chapter describes the range of services an immigrant victim of sexual assault can access through different programs and services of the health care system.
- General Material
January 2013
Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States
Publisher(s):With support from the Department of Justices (DOJ) Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council formed a committee to conduct a study of crimes of sexual exploitation as they affect citizens and lawful permanent residents of the United States under age 18. The committee was asked to recommend strategies for responding to commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of minors in the United States, new legislative approaches, and a research agenda.
- General Material
- Training Tools
January 2013
Serving Transgender Survivors of Sexual Violence
Publisher(s):This technical assistance resource from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape provides statistics on sexual assault in trans communities, addresses the lack of trans-specific services and barriers that transgender individuals may face in accessing services, and provides guidance for advocates.