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This chat will be an open discussion about the overlap between domestic violence and disasters.
This chat will involve several national partners to discuss preventing intimate partner violence, evidence-based programs and practices, and resources available to assist communities in their prevention efforts.
Wednesday, 10/24, 2 ET/11 PT: Children’s Exposure to Domestic Violence with Safe Start Center (@safestartcenter) and VAWnet (@VAWnet) at #CEVchat
This chat will review the prevalence and implications of children’s exposure to domestic violence and what parents, practitioners, and family advocates can do to help.
Thursday, 10/25, 3 ET /12 PT: Evidence for Domestic Violence Services with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (@VAWnet) and Futures Without Violence (@WithoutViolence) at #DVEvidence
This live tweet session will cover the webinar release of two new online resources, Promising Futures and the DV Evidence Project, designed to promote evidence-informed practice with families impacted by domestic violence.