The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) has announced their new slate of officers and welcomes new members to the Board of Directors.
VAWnet News Blog
On November 30, look for our #GivingTuesday campaign in your inbox or on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn feeds. If you would like to get a head start, you are welcome to donate today.
NRCDV continues to strive towards living into the commitments made in our June 2020 statement against anti-Blackness, racial injustice, and oppression as well as our NRCDV STANDS statements.
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, in collaboration with partners from across the Southern region of the United States, invites you to join us for our second virtual Prevention Town Hall. This event is an opportunity to dig deeper into this year’s theme for Domestic Violence Awareness Month: No Survivor Justice Without Racial Justice.
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and the National LGBTQ Institute on IPV in partnership with the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and Michigan State University Research Consortium on Gender Based Violence are pleased to invite you to participate in the inaugural Actualizing Justice Institute.
This Technical Assistance (TA) Bundle includes TA and training resources from NRCDV to support those who wish to invest in healing-centered community care. This approach nurtures resilient and equitable communities where those most marginalized can thrive. It fosters collective healing and liberation.