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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

How #MeToo could move from social campaign to social change

Monday, October 30, 2017

"Since #MeToo went viral two weeks ago in the wake of sexual harassment allegations against producer Harvey Weinstein, Twitter reports that more than 1.7 million women and men have used the hashtag in 85 countries.

In Italy, women rallied behind a version called #QuellaVoltaChe, which translates to 'That time when,' while French women decided to out their harassers by name under #BalanceTonPorc, which roughly translates to 'snitch out your pig.'

At least nine well-known powerful men have been accused of various forms of sexual assault, including former President George H.W. Bush, Hollywood producer James Toback and journalist and author Mark Halperin. And just last week, California Rep. Jackie Speier launched #MeTooCongress, asking Washington staffers to share their stories on harassment on the Hill.

But can a hashtag, a meme or any viral moment—no matter how widespread—really turn into a lasting movement that that will create social change and reduce sexual abuse of women?

Maybe. But experts say it's going to take a coordinated effort between antiviolence organizations, the media and Hollywood as well as concrete actions from each and every one of us, especially men."

Read the full article here.