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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Spending Down CARES Act Funds for FVPSA Grantees

Monday, August 23, 2021

Did your state, tribe, coalition or local domestic violence program receive FVPSA CARES Act funds? The September 29th deadline for spending these critical resources is fast approaching! No extensions can be given so any unspent funds will have to be returned to the Treasury Department. We know so many domestic violence survivors and programs are struggling right now, so it’s especially important that these funds are put to good use.

NRCDV has been working closely with the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center, the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, the National Network to End Domestic Violence and the FVPSA office to provide guidance and suggestions to help grantees spend down their remaining balances by September 29th. Please find information outlining spending strategies, regulatory considerations and lots of creative examples of allowable costs here.

The FVPSA office, along with our national technical assistance providers, are available to answer questions:

✓  Contact Your FVPSA Federal Project Officer or State Administrator

✓  Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center

✓  Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium

✓  National Network to End Domestic Violence

✓  National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

Please contact us directly or log-on to the following open Office Hours to hear others’ ideas: