This section includes guidelines and practical suggestions to advocates, practitioners, program designers, and others to develop program and policy response to prevent and respond to VAW globally. Important to note here is a gap in resources related to the prosecution of VAW in these regions.
Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Against Women: Taking Action and Generating Evidence
This document aims to provide sufficient information for policy-makers and planners to develop data-driven and evidence-based programs for preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women.
Ending Violence Against Women Programming for Protection, Prevention and Care
This document draws from UNFPA’s experiences from the field and offers practical suggestions to practitioners for designing and implementing projects that address violence against women.
Bringing Security Home: Combating Violence Against Women in the OSCE Region - A Compilation of Good Practices
This publication documents more than 95 good practices to help eliminate gender-based violence and highlights their impact in preventing violence against women, protecting victims and prosecuting offenders. Strategies for involving men and young people in anti-violence activities are also described.
Addressing Violence against Women and Girls in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
This guidance document focuses on the integration of violence against women resources into the existing Sexual and Reproductive Health framework. It introduces key principles, discusses evidence from the literature and provides a foundation for integrating gender based violence and sexual and reproductive health services.
EU guidelines on violence against women and girls
The EU’s operational guidelines on VAW reiterates the three interconnected aims: prevention of violence, protection of and support for victims, and prosecution of the perpetrators of such violence and presents intervention tools to address general, specific, and individual cases of VAW.
Programming to address violence against women: 10 case studies
This document presents a review of ten UNFPA-supported projects from ten countries to identify what works in programs to address violence against women, particularly in terms of community ownership and sustainability of projects.
Programming to address violence against women: 8 case studies
This second volume reviews eight programs that address different forms of violence against women to identify what works in programming to address violence against women.
Rethinking Domestic Violence: A Training Process for Community Activists
This is a training tool to help community activists strengthen the capacity of community-based domestic violence prevention efforts. It includes a series of participatory training sessions that focus on helping training participants think about, discuss, and take action to prevent domestic violence.
Handbook for legislation on Violence Against Women
This handbook is intended to assist States and other stakeholders in enhancing existing or developing new laws to protect women. Included here are a summary of international and legal policy framework, a model framework for legislation on VAW, and a checklist of steps to be taken when drafting the legislation.
*See also: Supplement: Harmful practices Against Women by the United Nations (March 2011)
Handbook for National Action Plans on Violence Against Women
This handbook outlines the international and regional legal and policy framework which mandates States to adopt and implement National Action Plans to address VAW, including a model framework for adoption.