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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Measuring Love in the Journey to End Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence

Event Date
Thursday, May 16, 2024, 02:00PM

Our beliefs and values deeply influence actions, policies, and practices, which can be helpful – or harmful – to us, others, and our larger communities. As preventionists strive to incorporate health equity principles into all areas of their prevention practice, we must also work to challenge harmful cultural systemic and cultural norms within ourselves, beginning with how we see and value ourselves as human beings, as part of the work.

The Measuring Love Series is designed to build knowledge and provide tools and guidance for practicing radical love starting with self. It is designed for practitioners and leaders who are and who support people impacted by oppression to be more conscious, explicit, and heart-centered in ways that build love+power for self, teams, and communities.

Join PreventConnect and presenters Shiree Teng and Audrey Jordan to learn about rigorous love for self versus self soothing, with topics:

  • Decolonizing love for self is a radical act
  • Setting boundaries as love for self
  • Being courageously honest is love for self
  • Goal setting for radical love for self

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