Legal services attorneys play a critical role in decreasing risk for clients struggling with family law conflicts, child custody disputes, domestic violence, threats of suicide, workplace violence concerns, and stalking situations. While current state law varies nationally, federal law and policy in this area plays an important role and both state and local policies help shape options for legal advocates and their clients.
Attendees will learn from two experts in the field - an attorney and a retired judge - about both state and federal law and efforts around promising practices in this area, including differences between Domestic Violence civil (and criminal) approaches to reducing risk and Extreme Risk Protection Orders (so-called "red flag laws"). Challenges with implementation and concrete steps attorneys can take to bring forward client concerns, respond to questions state court judges may have, and provide access to the most protective and effective remedies will be covered. Additionally, faculty will cover current research around firearm ownership, gun violence (including the connection between various types of violence) and issues raised by the 5th circuit case (U.S. vs. Rahimi) currently before the U.S. Supreme Court.