• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Domestic Violence Content Topic Results

The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
total results: 2223  | date published date added a-z


  • General Material

What is Digital Abuse?

This handout offers information and tips for youth experiencing digital dating abuse. 
  • General Material

A Teen's Guide to Safety Planning

This document from LoveIsRespect offers a safety plan template for teens experiencing dating violence.
  • General Material

Innocent Spouse Relief

In some instances, married people can get relief from joint tax liability. This site describes three types of relief, including the Innocent Spousal Relief which provides relief if your spouse or former spouse failed to report income, reported income improperly or claimed improper deductions or credits.
  • General Material

Stop Law Enforcement Violence Toolkit

This toolkit is intended to help integrate gender analysis into conversations about state violence and the prison industrial complex, uncover the impacts of state violence on women of color and trans people of color, and challenge society’s primary reliance on law enforcement agents for protection from domestic, sexual, homophobic, and transphobic violence.
  • General Material

Abuse Among Latin@ Elders

This fact sheet from Esperanza United outlines the scope and risk and protective factors of elder abuse in Latin@ communities.
  • General Material

Online Abuse 101

The online harassment of women is specifically gendered abuse targeted at women and girls online that incorporates sexism, racism, religious prejudice, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of oppression. This page defines different kinds of gender-based online harassment, addresses frequently asked questions, and underscores the importance of analyzing online abuse through an intersectional lens.
  • General Material

Elder Abuse: Red Flags and Warning Signs

This resource from the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life is designed to help family, friends, and supporters of older adults to think about warning signs of abuse that may be occurring in the life of an older adult.
  • General Material

Underserved Teen Victims Initiative: A Case Study Guide

This guide highlights the campaign activities of each site chosen to participate in the Underserved Teen Victims Initiative program, offering a unique look into each site’s work and celebrates its passion for teen victim outreach.
  • General Material
  • Training Tools

Many Voices, Many Traditions: A FVPSA Toolkit for Working with Indigenous Partners

This toolkit provides users with foundational knowledge and historical context when working with indigenous peoples, important landmark decisions that have had an impact on tribal and indigenous communities, as well as more practical information about FVPSA funding options and building equitable partnerships.
  • General Material

National Declaration by Religious and Spiritual Leaders to Address Violence Against Women

This national declaration invites religious leaders and concerned individuals of all faiths to sign on to commit to using religious texts and teachings to eradicate violence against women.
  • General Material

A Self-Help Guide for LGBT Older Adults and Their Caregivers and Loved Ones: Preventing, Recognizing, and Addressing Elder Abuse

This self-help guide for LGBT older adults, their caregivers, and their loved ones provides information on preventing, recognizing, and addressing elder abuse. The guide covers topics including types of elder abuse, LGBT specific tactics, ways to protect yourself from elder abuse, information on protecting friends from elder abuse, and getting help when you suspect abuse.
  • General Material

Family Violence Quality Assessment Tool for Primary Care Offices

The tool may be used to assess family violence efforts in primary care practices at the beginning and intermittently (every 6 months, every year, every few years) when focusing on family violence as a quality improvement goal. It is meant to be a tool for identifying deficiencies and so that they can be remedied and the care to patients living with violence and abuse can be improved.