Gender Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
CEDAW's Key Cases on Violence against Women
Publisher(s): This resource puts together brief summaries of some of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Committee’s (CEDAW) key decisions related to violence against women and state responsibility to end it.
- General Material
A Primer on Intersectionality
Publisher(s): This document discusses the importance of using an intersectional prism to 1) analyze social problems more fully; 2) shape more effective interventions; and 3) promote more inclusive coalitional advocacy.
Early Childhood Development - Your Options - How Do I Know If My Child Is Transgender?
Publisher(s):Addresses the questions: What Is transgender? Can a Child Be Transgender? What Makes a Child Transgender? Why Canít My Child Be ""Normal""? How Should I Respond? How Can I know If Itís a Phase? Where Do I Get Help, Support, and More Information?"
- General Material
- Training Tools
Cultural Competency Curriculum for Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response
Publisher(s):This online curriculum is designed to equip disaster and crisis volunteers and personnel with the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to diverse communities during all phases of disaster.
- General Material
Issue Brief: Engaging Men and Boys to Reduce and Prevent Gender-Based Violence
Publisher(s):The paper begins with a look at the historical efforts in Canada and the development of work with men and boys to end gender-based violence around the world. The paper examines root causes of gender-based violence, including socialization of men, power and patriarchy, masculinities, and gender inequality. Also included are promising strategies, best practices, and effective frameworks for engaging men and boys in the effort to reduce and prevent gender-based violence.
- General Material
A Radical Act of Love: Gender Analysis for Everyone
Publisher(s):Gender Analysis is a tool that empowers individuals and communities to identify and understand how differently gendered people are affected by systems of power in cultural, economic, social, civil, legal, political, religious, racial, and ethnic situations. Why does the National Council of Churches support gender analysis? As an ecumenical movement, we join together in acts of radical love, healing, and justice-making with hope for equity, wholeness, and abundant life for all.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Good Guys: Partnership & Positive Masculinity
Publisher(s):This curriculum explores issues of power and control, gender, self-esteem, masculinity and relationships, helping boys understand what it means to be a man in Judaism. Available for purchase from Jewish Women International.
- General Material
Supporting and Caring for Our Gender Expansive Youth: Lessons from the Human Rights Campaign's Youth Survey
Publisher(s): This report examines the experiences of survey respondents whose gender identities or expressions expand our conventional understanding of gender. It is designed to provide adults with a better understanding of these youth and to help adults find ways to communicate with and support all youth in their lives.
Children and Media: Stereotypes
Publisher(s):This article suggests seven ways to fight stereotypes often portrayed in the media.
- General Material
Guide to Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women & Girls
Publisher(s):This guide reviews actions groups and individuals are taking in their communities to engage men and boys in ending violence against women and girls. It encourages readers to move beyond this point and imagine what can be.