• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Intervention & Prevention Content Topic Results

The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
total results: 2188  | date published date added a-z


  • General Material
August 2012

Meeting Survivors' Needs Through Non-Residential Domestic Violence Services and Supports: Results of a Multi-State Study - Interview with Anne Menard and Eleanor Lyon

Author(s): Publisher(s):
In this podcast series, Mary Louise Kelley is joined by Anne Menard and Eleanor Lyon to discuss a study focused on nonresidential domestic violence services.
  • General Material
July 2012

Building Capacity and Infrastructure for Domestic Violence Coalitions

Author(s): Publisher(s):
The President of the Texas Council on Family Violence describes the coalition's experience of participating in the DELTA PREP project, describing its value in helping to build a strong foundation on which to build successful prevention programming.
  • General Material
  • NRCDV Publications
July 2012

How can I provide culturally competent services to women of color?

Advocates often wonder about how to reach and provide culturally relevant services to meet the needs of diverse communities of color. NRCDV's July 2012 offers guidance on providing services that are culturally relevant and accessible.
  • General Material
July 2012

Immigration Relief for Victims of Abuse and Domestic Violence

This Handbook outlines immigration remedies for non-citizen victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. It is intended to aid attorneys who typically practice family law and have experience working with domestic violence victims. The Handbook hopes to aid such practitioners in expanding their services to those victims who also need legal help with their immigration issues.
  • General Material
July 2012

Trafficking in Persons Symposium: Final Report

This report summarizes best practices for responding to child trafficking, as identified by the 127 participants, as well as their recommendations for addressing current challenges. The report served as the foundation for the development of the AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program's current training programs for states and communities.
  • NRCDV Publications
  • General Material
June 2012

Parenting Interventions for Men Who Batter

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This Applied Research paper provides an overview of the research on the commonalities and controversies surrounding parenting interventions programs for men who batter with an emphasis on improving outcomes for women and child survivors of domestic violence.
  • General Material
June 2012

Terms Paradox Fact Sheet

This fact sheet discusses the terms paradox. Asking what terms a person uses and using those terms to refer to them conveys respect and openness, however terms provide very little information relevant to providing appropriate services.
  • NRCDV Publications
  • General Material
June 2012

Practical Considerations for Parenting Interventions for Men who Batter

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This Applied Research paper provides an overview of the practical considerations related to parenting interventions programs for men who batter. These include questions about program length and organization, referral routes, specific program content, and nature of collaboration between agencies.
  • General Material
June 2012

VA Military Sexual Trauma Brochure

This brochure provides basic information related to military sexual trauma and eligibility to apply for benefits. Available in English and Spanish.
  • General Material
June 2012

Model Rights and Responsibilities for Shelter Residents

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This document provides general guidelines to keep in mind when crafting shelter rules, including a model set of rules structured in the form of rights and responsibilities.
  • General Material
June 2012

Domestic Violence Fatalities Involving Native People in Washington State

This brief presents data on homicides in Washington State involving Native American victims and perpetrators, and domestic violence homicides on tribal land.
  • General Material
May 2012

AFI Legislation: Assets for Independence Act 42 USC 604

This webpage provides the actual statutory language of the Act that sets criteria for IDAs under the AFI program.