Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
January 2010
Preventing HIV Infection in Women: A global Health Imperative
Publisher(s): This resource discusses prevention of HIV infection in women utilizing a strong knowledge of biological, behavioral, and structural factors from a global health perspective.
- General Material
January 2010
Whose Choice? How the Hyde Amendment Harms Poor Women
Publisher(s):This report exposes the harms perpetrated by the Hyde Amendment—the law that prohibits federal Medicaid dollars from paying for abortion services except in the most extreme circumstances.
- General Material
January 2010
Social Networking & Privacy Tips for Domestic & Sexual Violence Programs
Publisher(s):This one page handout introduces a few important safety risks and confidentiality considerations for advocates and organizations participating in social media.
- General Material
January 2010
What's in a Word? A Guide to Understanding Interpreting and Translation in Health Care
Publisher(s):This guide explains the difference between interpretation and translation, and provides standards of practice and methods and modes of interpreting and translating.
- General Material
January 2010
Evaluation of a Domestic Violence Program for Law Enforcement
Publisher(s):This write-up discusses the findings from a follow-up evaluation to ascertain the training impacts of a Domestic Violence law enforcement training administered to cadets at the Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) academy in Nevada.
- General Material
January 2010
The New Age of Stalking: Technological Implications for Stalking
Publisher(s):Technology has led to tremendous advancements in our society but has also brought more danger to victims of stalking and given more tools for stalkers to use. New technology has made it more difficult for prosecutors and judges to hold stalkers accountable for their crimes, and without an understanding of how technology is misused by stalkers to track and monitor their victims, many victims don't get the justice they deserve. This article addresses the tremendous impact of technology on stalking, especially within the context of intimate partner stalking.
- General Material
January 2010
Ensuring Language Access to Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault
Publisher(s):This Chapter demonstrates that although immigrant victims can legally access services that are available to protect victims regardless of immigration status, such as sexual assault and domestic violence services, law enforcement protection, and immigration relief, many immigrant victims are unlikely to seek help due to language barriers, isolation, and lack of information about available help.
- General Material
January 2010
Adolescent Girls in the Minnesota Sex Trade: Tracking Study Results for February to November 2010
Publisher(s):This report details the results of several statewide studies of commercial sexual exploitation of female children in the United States. The results indicate a significant number of girls under age 18 are involved in the sex trade, with rates varying state-by-state. The results are part of a multiyear quarterly tracking study.
- General Material
January 2010
Young Women Speak Out! Perspectives and Implications of Reproductive Health, Rights & Justice Policies
Publisher(s):This community-informed research project explores the views and documents the experiences of young Latinas in diverse California regions regarding reproductive and sexual health concerns in order to showcase the day-to-day implications that such policies have among youth in our communities.
- General Material
January 2010
Hate Violence Against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communities in the United States in 2009
Publisher(s):This report documents hate-motivated violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people in 2009 in the United States as reported to member organizations of the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP). It includes statistics, trends, narratives and responses and recommendations for change.
- General Material
January 2010
Race, Gender, and Abortion: How Reproductive Justice Advocates Won in Georgia
Publisher(s):This report is a brief summary of the policy victory in Georgia and some subsequent activities since the legislative session.
- General Material
January 2010
Managing Your Divorce: A Guide for Battered Women
Publisher(s): This guide is designed for domestic violence survivors who are representing themselves, without an attorney, in court cases involving child custody. It includes chapters on finding an attorney, financial considerations, custody and divorce mediation, gathering evidence for trial, unsupervised visitation and safety planning, tips for dealing with custody evaluators, guidelines for selecting an expert witness, relocation, and many more.