Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
October 2014
Innocent Spouse Questions & Answers
Publisher(s):These questions and answers address issues such as the process for requesting innocent spouse relief, time for filing, the process for contacting an ex-spouse after filing, rules, and appeal rights.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
September 2014
How can I make my center an affirming place for people who identify as LGBTQ?
Publisher(s): Achieving equity and inclusivity for people who are traditionally on the margins of our culture is a multi-step process. NRCDV's September 2014 TA Question of the Month discusses strategies for promoting LGBTQ inclusion.
- General Material
September 2014
Key Facts You Need to Know About: Premium Tax Credits
Publisher(s):This collection of key facts explains who is eligible for the tax credit, how the size of an individual or family’s credit is calculated, how mid-year changes in income and household size affect tax credit eligibility, and how the reconciliation between the tax credit amount a person receives and the amount for which he or she is eligible will be handled.
- NRCDV Publications
- General Material
September 2014
Sheltering Transgender Women: Providing Welcoming Services
Publisher(s):This Technical Assistance Guidance highlights effective strategies for integrating trans women into shelter, building on the knowledge that most shelter staff and allied professionals have already developed practice, familiarity, and skill in providing shelter services to women.
- General Material
September 2014
¡Sin Seguro, No Más! Without Coverage, Without Safety, No More!: A Call to Lift the Bans that Deny Latinas Access to Safe, Legal, Affordable Abortion Care
Publisher(s):This report presents the historical context surrounding the Hyde Amendment, how abortion coverage bans exacerbate existing health disparities, and the ongoing impact of these bans on Latinas and other women of color, and low-income women. This report concludes with policy recommendations.
- General Material
September 2014
A Glimpse from the Field: How Abusers are Misusing Technology
Publisher(s):Abusers misuse technology in many ways to stalk, harass, and impersonate victims. NNEDV's Safety Net Project surveyed victim service providers on technology-assisted abuse in order to determine how abusers are misusing technology to abuse their victims and what can be done to help.
- General Material
September 2014
Immigrant Women in the United States: A Portrait of Demographic Diversity
Publisher(s):This document provides information on the 18.9 million immigrant women living in the United States in 2008.
- General Material
September 2014
Invisible Betrayal: Police Violence and the Rape of Black Women in the United States
Publisher(s): This report from Black Women's Blueprint discusses the prevalence of officer-perpetrated sexual assault and its impact on Black women. It explains how sexual assault and/or rape constitute an act of torture and requires understanding this issue through the historical context of the institution and legacy of slavery.
- General Material
- Training Tools
September 2014
Moving Beyond the Wheel: Advocacy & Support for LGBTQ Survivors of Domestic Violence
Publisher(s):Battered Women's Justice Project (BWJP), The NW Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse
This webinar focuses on strategies for support and advocacy when working with LGBTQ survivors, with a particular emphasis on the needs and experiences of LGBTQ service members and veterans.
- General Material
September 2014
If You Care about Religious Freedom, You Should Care about Reproductive Justice
Publisher(s):This fact sheet outlines why health care providers should not deny women access to needed health care services, reproductive justice & religious freedom, why employers should not use their religious beliefs to deny women insurance coverage of health care services, why religious freedom should not include the freedom to discriminate against women, and how you can support reproductive justice and religious liberty values.
- General Material
September 2014
Report from the San Mateo Domestic Violence and Accountability Assessment: How Does Documentation of the Initial Police Response to a Domestic Violence Call Aid Subsequent Interveners in Domestic Violence Cases?
Publisher(s):Three police departments participated in an accountability assessment focused on the question: How does documentation of the initial police response to domestic violence calls aid subsequent interveners in domestic violence cases? This report identifies the gaps between what people experience and need and what institutions provide, offering recommendations for addressing these gaps.
- General Material
September 2014
Youth Access to Protection Orders: A National Overview
Publisher(s): Each state’s civil domestic protection order laws and their impact on minors seeking protection from abusive relationships were assessed and steps for improving protections were outlined in this document.