Items listed here explicitly discuss domestic violence and poverty.
Poverty and Sexual Violence: Building Prevention and Intervention Responses
There is a complex and often reciprocal relationship between poverty and sexual violence. This guide is intended to support rape crisis centers in their economic advocacy efforts at all levels of the organization.
Financial Empowerment Curriculum: Moving Ahead Through Financial Management
The Moving Ahead Through Financial Management curriculum offers a range of information from basic money and financial management principles to advanced financial planning. It is divided into five separate modules.
Economic Empowerment of Domestic Violence Survivors
This Applied Research paper reviews and critiques the existing literature on economic abuse experienced by domestic violence survivors and selected economic empowerment programs designed to address such abuse and its aftermath.
Domestic Violence at the Crossroads: Violence Against Poor Women and Women of Color
This article explains how failing to address multiple oppressions of poor women of color jeopardizes the validity and legitimacy of the anti-violence movement.
New Challenges for the Battered Women's Movement: Building Collaborations and Improving Public Policy for Poor Women
This paper advocates the adoption of an agenda that recognizes the importance of safety, justice and economic resources for women and their families and urges that advocates pay particular attention to the concerns and interests of poor women.
Expanding Solutions for Domestic Violence and Poverty: What Battered Women with Abused Children Need from Their Advocates
This paper uses examples from the child welfare system to raise questions about the limitations of current DV advocacy strategies for low-income women. The paper challenges the U.S. traditional battered women's movement to expand its solutions.
Policy Blueprint on Domestic Violence and Poverty
This paper offers a new and important tool for advocates working with domestic violence and poverty issues in single or multiple systems. It provides a straightforward framework for policy analysis and concrete policy implementation strategies.
Early Childhood, Domestic Violence, and Poverty: Helping Young Children and Their Families
This paper contains practical guidelines and policy recommendations for pediatric health settings, early childhood programs, family support providers, police, and domestic violence agencies.