This section provides information and resources for professionals seeking to provide culturally competent services to individuals in the LGBTIQ community.
Connections - Setting the Stage: Strategies for Supporting LGBTIQ Survivors
This newsletter focuses exclusively on issues related to violence in LGBTIQ communities. Articles include information on interrupting problematic language, addressing the needs of trans survivors, and SANE protocol.
Culturally Competent Service Provision to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Survivors of Sexual Violence
We have an ethical mandate to serve all survivors of sexual violence. Yet lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) survivors have often been excluded from our work.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer Communites
This document provides information specific to LGBTQ community members in an effort to provide culturally competent services. It includes information on specific tactics used by perpetrators in same-sex relationships and additional resources available to those who have experienced violence.
Practical Tips for Working with Transgender Survivors of Sexual Violence
This article gives a very basic introduction to transgender sexual violence survivors, then lists 10 practical ways programs can provide more culturally-competent services.
Psychological outcome among lesbian sexual assault survivors: An examination of the roles of internalized homophobia and experiential avoidance
This article explores sexual assault as it relates to internalized homophobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression among lesbians. The authors suggest a link between internalized homophobia and emotional suppression and avoidance, noting that this increases PTSD symptoms.
Re/Defining Gender and Sex: Education for Trans, Transsexual and Intersex Access and Inclusion to Sexual Assault Centres and Transition Houses
Research conducted and presented in a masters thesis provides insight and reflection on issues, challenges, and cultural climates of sexual assault service providers in British Columbia. Sexual assault centers and advocates may find this research helpful in working to build culturally competent services and capacities.
Serving Transgender Survivors of Sexual Violence
This technical assistance resource from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape provides statistics on sexual assault in trans communities, addresses the lack of trans-specific services and barriers that transgender individuals may face in accessing services, and provides guidance for advocates.
Why It Matters: Rethinking Victim Assistance for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Victims of Hate Violence and Intimate Partner Violence
This report, the product of a 2009 survey of victim assistance providers and LGBTQ anti-violence programs throughout the United States, describes widespread gaps in victim services for LGBTQ victims of crime and recommends steps to improve both the services and their accessibility.