Welfare and Domestic Violence Against Women: Lessons from Research
This paper provides a summary of the research on the connections between poverty, public assistance, employment, and violence against women. Implications for working with battered women who receive TANF are discussed in detail.
Research & Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Battering, Work, & Welfare, Final Grant Report
This research project sought to understand the obstacles women receiving welfare identified in their lives, as well as the strengths and resources they bring to their struggles for safety and solvency.
Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Women's Labor Force Participation, Final Report
This study assesses the impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) on labor force participation of welfare recipients and examines whether change in economic status affects violence levels.
Violence Against Women: The Role of Welfare Reform
Using survey research in two California counties, this study documents high rates of domestic violence among welfare recipients, and its impact, along with mental health and substance abuse issues, on women's ability to find work.