Intervention & Prevention Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
Gender Neutral Body Map
Publisher(s):A gender neutral anatomical diagram for skin surface assessment.
- General Material
Female Genital Mutilation in the U. S. Factsheet
Publisher(s):This factsheet gives a brief overview of federal laws against FGM in the United States and also lists state laws against FGM.
- General Material
The Military Power and Control Wheel
Publisher(s):The wheel describes abusive tactics that batterers use to control their victims, focusing on how they may be experienced within the context of a relationship rooted in the military. Specific tactics are described in the wheel, including "Claiming Military/ Male Privilege."
- General Material
Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking
Publisher(s):This fact sheet includes an overview of human trafficking, its impact and legal definition, as well as a description of the connection between intimate partner violence and human trafficking. Tips for safety planning are also included.
Raise Respectful Boys...Not Macho Men
Publisher(s):This article provides tips for parents and caretakers on how to resist traditional gender norms and raise healthier, happier sons and daughters. Specifically, the focus is on strategies for raising respectful boys.
- General Material
Inclusion: NAD Position Statement
Publisher(s):This position statement explains in detail this organization's position with regard to mainstreaming Deaf children in school settings.
- General Material
The Business Case for Domestic Violence Programs in Health Care Settings
Publisher(s):This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation targeted at health care decision-makers and administrators that makes the case for domestic violence intervention programs, references, and a Return on Investment Tool to help analyze the costs and potential benefits of implementing comprehensive DV programs within health settings.
- General Material
Broken Trust: Elders, Family, and Finances
Publisher(s):A study on elder financial abuse prevention.
- General Material
Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Disasters and Other Traumatic Events: What Parents, Rescue Workers, and the Community Can Do
Publisher(s):Violence or natural disasters can cause trauma in young people. This booklet provides steps parents can take to help children cope with trauma after violence and disasters.
- General Material
Human Trafficking Task Force Strategy and Operations e-Guide
Publisher(s):This guide is a resource to support established task forces and provide guidance to agencies looking to form human trafficking task forces. Its purpose is to assist in the development and day to day operations of an anti-human trafficking task force and to provide fundamental guidance for effective task force operations.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Publisher(s): Veto Violence exists to empower communities to implement evidence-based strategies to prevent violence. Tools, trainings, and resources are designed to help reduce risks for violence and to increase the factors that protect people and communities.
- General Material
The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls’ Story
Publisher(s):Human Rights Project for Girls, Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality, Ms. Foundation for Women
This report explores the sexual abuse to prison pipeline in which girls are arrested and incarcerated after they are sexually abused by mapping out key points in the pipeline.