Mental Health Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
December 2014
How Gender Stereotypes and Stigma Associated with Mental Health & Substance Use Impact Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Publisher(s):This brief report discusses two stereotypes that negatively impact survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in legal proceedings: the stereotype that women who have mental health conditions or substance abuse issues are not credible when disclosing abuse and the conception that women with these conditions cannot also be good parents.
- General Material
- Training Tools
June 2014
Violence and Trauma in the Lives of Transgender Older Adults
Publisher(s): This webinar shares available data and service implications of working with transgender older adults who are often hesitant or unwilling to access care, live with higher rates of mental and physical health conditions, need the sensitivity of both trauma- and trans-informed providers, and who may need support with key social and interpersonal skills to effectively receive the care and services they need.
- General Material
March 2014
Mental Health and Substance Use Coercion Surveys
Publisher(s):National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health (NCDVTMH), National Domestic Violence Hotline
This report describes two surveys of callers to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, one on mental health coercion and the other on substance use coercion. The surveys showed that both types of abuse were prevalent among hotline callers.
January 2014
Take a Break
Publisher(s): This mobile app provides scripts for guided meditation.
- General Material
January 2014
TedTalk: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime
Publisher(s):This TedTalk presented by pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains how traumatic experiences affect the brain and increase the risk for other health conditions.
- General Material
January 2014
How Somatic Therapy Can Help Patients Suffering from Psychological Trauma
Publisher(s): This document discusses the benefits of somatic psychotherapy and how it works to help people who are experiencing stress, physical pain, and mental stress.
- General Material
January 2014
Circle of Hope: A Guide for Conducting Effective Psychoeducational Support Groups
Publisher(s):This manual offers a guide to planning and conducting educational support groups for survivors of sexual violence.
- General Material
December 2013
The association between natural disasters and violence: A systematic review of the literature and a call for more epidemiological studies
Publisher(s): The links between disasters and violence either self-directed or interpersonal are recognized, but the amount of research is limited. This article discusses the underlying association of disasters and violence and outlines a systematic review of the literature from 1976 to 2011.
- General Material
November 2013
A Hidden Cause of Chronic Illness
Publisher(s):This piece, originally published in More magazine, received an honorable mention for the 2014 Dart Awards for Excellence in Coverage of Trauma. It explores how previous domestic violence and sexual trauma can continue to impact survivors many years later in the form of chronic health problems.
- General Material
- Training Tools
May 2013
Disability and Transgender Survivors: Empowering providers who work with multiply-marginalized populations
Publisher(s):This webinar provides core information and statistics about who transgender people are, the types and magnitude of violence they encounter, and the key intersections between disability and traumatic experience.
- General Material
April 2013
Domestic Violence, Mental Health & Trauma: Research Highlights
Publisher(s):This paper presents findings from several studies demonstrating that women who experience domestic violence are more at risk for mental health problems.
- General Material
February 2013
A Systematic Review of Trauma-Focused Interventions for Domestic Violence Survivors
Publisher(s):This literature review provides an analysis of nine trauma-based treatments specifically designed or modified for survivors of domestic violence, along with caveats and recommendations for research and practice going forward.