• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results

The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
total results: 2126  | date published date added a-z


  • General Material
October 2005

Sex Offender Residence Restrictions: A Report to the Florida Legislature

Levenson argues that there is no evidence that sex offender residency restrictions prevent sex crimes or promote public safety. Rather, Levenson believes that such policies may actually exacerbate offenders' psychosocial stressors and thereby increase the likelihood of reoffending.
  • General Material
October 2005

Murder at Home: An Examination of Legal and Community Responses to Intimate Femicide in California

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This report is a comprehensive assessment of how different systems work together, and separately, to address domestic violence and domestic violence murder in California.
  • General Material
October 2005

Occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among women

Author(s): Publisher(s):
Findings indicate that homicide was the leading source of fatal workplace injuries for women, and that female murder victims were much more likely to have been killed by a family member than were male victims.
  • General Material
September 2005

Understanding Children, Immigration, and Family Violence: A National Examination of the Issues

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This resource gives background information and best practice recommendations for those serving immigrant children and families dealing with family violence.
  • General Material
September 2005

Violence Against Children in Cyberspace

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This report is intended to provide a framework for promoting recognition and understanding of the real risks of violence for children and young people in cyberspace and through the use of new technologies, in particular the internet and mobile phones.
  • NRCDV Publications
  • General Material
September 2005

Expanding Economic Advocacy Beyond Welfare: Highlights and Lessons Learned from the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This issue profiles the vanguard efforts of the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence as they respond to the economic-related needs faced by battered women and their children.
  • General Material
August 2005

TANF: State Approaches to Screening for Domestic Violence Could Benefit from HHS Guidance

This Government Accounting Office (GAO) report on federal and state implementation of the Family Violence Option recommends that HHS identify and promote promising practices.
  • General Material
July 2005

Model Law Enforcement Policy: Serving and Enforcing Protection Orders & Seizing Firearms in Domestic Violence Cases

Author(s): Publisher(s):
The purpose of the Model Law Enforcement Policy is to provide policies and standard operating procedures for four specific areas that may be encountered by a law enforcement agency.
  • General Material
July 2005

"Don't Forget Us": The Education and Gender-Based Violence Protection Needs of Adolescent Girls from Darfur in Chad

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This is a report of findings from a three-week mission to examine the protection of adolescent girls, with a particular focus on education and reproductive health in refugee camps.
  • General Material
June 2005

The Demand for Victims of Sex Trafficking

Examines sex trafficking from the 'demand' side, focusing on the role of 'exploiters' and the 'state' as two components.
  • General Material
May 2005

Maze Map

This PowerPoint presentation highlights the processes domestic violence victims may encounter when involved with child protection, civil/criminal justice systems, and military responses to domestic violence when it applies to active duty military personnel. 
  • General Material
April 2005

A Tribal Leader's Guide to Launching an Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Campaign

This manual is designed for Native American leaders and community members who are interested in launching an EITC awareness campaign. It begins with an overview of the EITC, explains how the EITC can benefit Native American communities, provides concrete strategies, tips and a timeline, and includes additional resources.