Communities of Color Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
What do we know about domestic violence within immigrant communities?
Publisher(s):This document offers fully-cited statistics and talking points on domestic violence within immigrant communities.
- General Material
Walking in Two Worlds: Supporting the Two Spirit and Native LGBTQ Community
Publisher(s): This brochure includes key terms and definitions, highlights the prevalence of violence against Native LGBTQ/Two-Spirit individuals, and offers tips for supporting Native LGBTQ/Two-Spirit survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
- General Material
Shifting Power from the Inside Out: Lessons on Becoming Member-Led from Mujeres Unidas y Activas
Publisher(s): Produced collaboratively by Mujeres Unidas y Activas and RoadMap, Shifting Power from the Inside Out offers a new framework for community-based organizations on the evolution from member-based to member-led organizational structure, culture and practice.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Many Voices, Many Traditions: A FVPSA Toolkit for Working with Indigenous Partners
Publisher(s):Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center, Alliance of Tribal Coalitions to End Violence, National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (NIWRC), National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), Pouhana O Nā Wāhine
This toolkit provides users with foundational knowledge and historical context when working with indigenous peoples, important landmark decisions that have had an impact on tribal and indigenous communities, as well as more practical information about FVPSA funding options and building equitable partnerships.
- General Material
50 Messages 50 Faces
Publisher(s):Promotores from the Entre Amigos group starred in the bilingual video "50 Messages 50 Faces" as part of their on-going campaign to challenge social norms that perpetuate violence against women.
- General Material
Mistreatment of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Elders
Publisher(s):This research brief synthesizes the latest available information and research relating to the mistreatment of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) elders.
- General Material
National Needs Assessment: Facilitators and Barriers to Screening and Management of Elder Abuse by Tribal Health
Publisher(s): This research brief identifies facilitators and barriers for screening and management of elder abuse by tribal health care providers working in the outpatient setting.
- General Material
Underserved Teen Victims Initiative: A Case Study Guide
Publisher(s):This guide highlights the campaign activities of each site chosen to participate in the Underserved Teen Victims Initiative program, offering a unique look into each site’s work and celebrates its passion for teen victim outreach.
- General Material
Quiz: Are your services linguistically and culturally accessible to immigrant and refugee women?
Publisher(s):This quiz helps service providers identify if their services are linguistically and culturally accessible to immigrant and refugee women.
- General Material
Undocuqueer Posters
Publisher(s):Julio Salgado is a gay Mexican-born artist. Through the use of art Salgado has become a well-known activist within the DREAM Act movement. Salgado uses his art to empower undocumented and queer people by telling their story and putting a human face to the issue. He has worked on various art projects that address anti-immigrant discourse, the issues of what it means to be undocumented, and what it means to be undocuqueer.
- General Material
Multilingual Materials By Language
Publisher(s):This page lists multilingual materials for victims and advocates sorted by language.
- General Material
The "Problem" Woman of Colour in the Workplace
Publisher(s): This graphic walks through common experiences faced by women of color in the workplace and organizational responses, such as denial of racism, retaliation, and targeting and attacking "problem" women of color.