Socioeconomic Class Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
March 2018
Tax-Time Products 2018: New Generation of Tax Time Loans Surges in Popularity
Publisher(s):In this tax-time financial products report explains the replacement of refund anticipation loans with refund anticipation checks, the difference between the two products, and historical data on the two products.
- General Material
January 2018
Defining Economic Justice for Survivors in Communities of Color & Indigenous Communities
Publisher(s): Reflecting the expertise of advocates and survivors, this report from the field broadens the scope of economic justice to be culturally responsive to survivors in communities of color and indigenous communities.
- General Material
November 2017
Domestic Issues Creating Hardships for Low-Income Utility Customers
Publisher(s): Establishing and maintaining utility service can be a significant challenge for many average American families. This document from the Low Income Energy Assistance Program discusses the importance of protections for utility customers who are experiencing domestic violence and explores protections in different states across the United States.
- General Material
October 2017
Foundations for the Future: Empowerment Economics in the Native Hawaiian Context
Publisher(s):Hawaiian Community Assets (HCA), National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD), Institute on Assets and Social Policy at Brandeis University (IASP), Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA)
This report offers insight into the challenges and opportunities of building wealth in Native Hawaiian communities, and fills a gap in research by shedding light on a group whose strengths and struggles are uniquely reflective of both indigenous histories and Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) experiences.
- General Material
September 2017
Poverty, Domestic Violence, Social Inequality: What the New Poverty Data Tells Us About Addressing Domestic & Sexual Violence
Publisher(s): This report explores recently released poverty data from the U.S. Census Bureau and its implications for domestic violence advocacy.
- General Material
July 2017
Narrowing the Gaps: The Power of Investing in the Poorest Children
Publisher(s): UNICEF's analysis in this study indicates that the number of lives saved per million dollars invested among the poorest children is almost twice as high as the number saved by equivalent investments in less poor groups.
- General Material
July 2017
The EITC and the Refundable Child Tax Credit Are Extremely Important to Women’s Economic Security
Publisher(s):This fact sheet evidences how refundable tax credits for low- and moderate income working families, including the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC), provide a significant economic boost to women and their families.
- General Material
February 2017
Five Things to Know About the Child Tax Credit
Publisher(s):This page provides quick facts about the CTC including qualifications, credit levels, limitations, and links to application forms.
- General Material
January 2017
Financial Assets and Income
Publisher(s):This report provides an analysis of income inequality, the effects of lack of income and savings, and access to revolving credit. Policy recommendations are made with respect to individual development accounts and retirement savings.
- General Material
January 2017
Out Of Reach 2017
Publisher(s):Advocates can get state and local information on rental costs in comparison to income.
- General Material
September 2016
State Fact Sheets: The Earned Income and Child Tax Credits
Publisher(s):These fact sheets provide state-by-state data on how the EITC and CTC reduce poverty, who benefits, how state EITCs can supplement the federal credit, and who benefits from two proposals to strengthen the credits.
- General Material
May 2016
Chart Book: The Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit
Publisher(s):This chart book provides important information about these working-family tax credits and outlines priorities for making the credits more effective.