Community Organizing / Mobilization / Engagement Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Speak.Act.Change Youth Advocacy Kit
Publisher(s):The Speak.Act.Change Youth Advocacy Kit is a service-learning, youth activism program designed to complement any basic dating violence education curriculum. The program gives students the tools to protect themselves and their peers from dating violence.
- General Material
Introduction to Trauma, Healing & Resilience: For Rabbis, Jewish Educators, and Organizers
Publisher(s):This guide aims to synthesize the wide and deep fields of trauma studies, trauma healing, trauma-sensitive education and resilience, and to present this material in ways that are clear, accessible, relevant and applicable to Jewish life, education, organizing and spirituality, in order to create a more just and compassionate world
- Training Tools
- General Material
Instigate! An Online Toolkit for Community Mobilization
Publisher(s):Provides tips, tools and exercises to guide the development of a Community Action Team in your neighborhood, city, faith-based group, school or place of employment. Designed primarily for use by domestic violence and public health organizations.
- General Material
Cada Hombre Puede Ser Fuerte Sin Ser Violento
Publisher(s):Cada hombre puede ser fuerte sin ser violento es una campa–a de educaci—n pœblica para promover la participaci—n de los hombres latinos en la prevenci—n de la violencia domestica. El 8 de Julio del 2013, Enlace Comunitario lanz— anuncios en la radio de servicio pœblico, pancartas y p—sters para aumentar la participaci—n de los hombres latinos en el trabajo de prevenir la violencia domestica. Afiche en espa–ol.
- General Material
What Men Can Do & What Young Men Can Do
Publisher(s):These information sheets discuss some practical ways that men and young men (middle school aged) can be involved in stopping violence and changing social norms.
- General Material
Know Your Rights: A Guide to Your Rights When Interacting with Law Enforcement
Publisher(s):This guide contains information about the rights of immigrants and what to do when encountering immigration agents, the police or FBI in different places.
- General Material
On the Road to Social Transformation: Utilizing Cultural and Community Strengths to End Domestic Violence
Publisher(s):This document is meant to inspire program innovation and a deeper commitment by service providers, policy makers and funders to building culturally proficient organizations capable of delivering quality services to diverse communities.
- General Material
Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Violence in Disaster & Emergency Situations: A Guide for Local and Community-based Organizations
Publisher(s):This resource includes information on influencing factors that affect children exposed to disasters and emergencies. Minimizing risks through disaster preparedness and response are discussed. It also includes checklists for action.
- General Material
Resources for Working with Immigrant Women
Publisher(s):This page contains information and suggestions to make domestic violence services more accessible for immigrant women.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Reducing Child Labor and Forced Labor: A Toolkit for Responsible Businesses
Publisher(s):This online Toolkit is a guide for business developed by the U.S. Government focusing on child labor and forced labor practices.
- General Material
50 Messages 50 Faces
Publisher(s):Promotores from the Entre Amigos group starred in the bilingual video "50 Messages 50 Faces" as part of their on-going campaign to challenge social norms that perpetuate violence against women.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Rethinking Domestic Violence: A Training Process for Community Activists
Publisher(s):This is a training tool to help community activists strengthen the capacity of community-based domestic violence prevention efforts. It includes a series of participatory training sessions that focus on helping training participants think about, discuss, and take action to prevent domestic violence.