Policy & Systems Advocacy Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
Public Benefits Access for Battered Immigrant Women and Children
Publisher(s):This chapter provides information on public benefit access by types of immigration status, legal requirements for qualifying as battered ÐqualifiedÓ immigrant, different categories of public benefits for which immigrant survivors may qualify, and guidance for advocates and attorneys to address issues that may arise when applying for benefits.
- General Material
Latina Portrait: Latina Queer Women in Chicago
Publisher(s):In 2006 the board of directors of Amigas Latinas initiated the Proyecto Latina: Descubriéndonos survey project in order to document and make known the unique experiences and challenges that Latina LGBTQQ women face in Metropolitan Chicago. This report documents the key findings from the project.
- General Material
Directory of Training and Technical Assistance Resources for Anti- Human Trafficking Task Forces and Service Providers
Publisher(s):Developed by the Office for Victims of Crime and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, this directory is an excellent resource for practitioners and task forces seeking to expand and enhance their knowledge of anti-human trafficking practices.
- General Material
The Indian Child Welfare Act: A National Law Controlling the Welfare of Indigenous Children
The affect of the situation to indigenous nations, who were losing children by the thousands, was essentially cultural genocide. Exposure of the problem and its causes imposed strong pressure on the United States government to address native child welfare law.
- General Material
Safety Plan for Immigrant Women who are Victims of Domestic Violence
Publisher(s):This safety plan is a self-help plan for immigrant victims of domestic violence.
- General Material
What is an invisible disability?
Publisher(s): This brief article describes what the term "invisible disability" means and why it is important to understand invisible disabilities.
- General Material
The Sexual Abuse to Maternal Mortality Pipeline
Publisher(s): This report offers a comprehensive examination of the “sexual abuse to maternal mortality pipeline” and its markers. Authors offer extensive recommendations for effecting change at the policy, medical, and cultural levels.
- General Material
T Nonimmigrant Status - Immigration Relief for Victims of Human Trafficking Video
Publisher(s):This video provides information of how the T Visa can assist victims of human trafficking and connect them with the different services/benefits available to them.
- General Material
Your Kids Make Memories Everyday
Publisher(s):This poster informs the perpetrators of domestic violence about the negative effects of domestic violence on children and encourages the perpetrators to stop abuse.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Delphi Instrument for Hospital-based Domestic Violence Programs
Publisher(s):This validated tool, which can be self-administered or administered by external evaluators, can be used to track and measure the progress of a hospital in improving its response to domestic violence.
- General Material
Improving Services and Outreach to the Latino Community
Publisher(s):The article suggests that programs evaluate their effectiveness in addressing specific Latino community needs, recognize and address barriers to serving Latino communities, and learn about diversity within Latino communities. The article also suggests eliminating stereotypes, developing organization wide language competency, and ensuring that all staff have a duty to serve all members of the community.
Available in both English and Spanish.
- General Material
Inclusion: NAD Position Statement
Publisher(s):This position statement explains in detail this organization's position with regard to mainstreaming Deaf children in school settings.