Teachers and school-based professionals have opportunities to prevent dating violence by increasing awareness of dating violence, promoting practices of healthy relationships, and creating an environment where young people can seek help for dating abuse. This section includes documents that provide guidance to teachers to assess signs of dating violence among teens, as well as information about services that teachers can direct young people to and curricula for school-based teen dating violence prevention.
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Framework for Developing School Policies to Address Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking
Bringing NO MORE To Your School
Title IX and Dating Abuse: Implementation in Secondary Schools
Vision for Healthy Relationships Education
This document identifies some core components that provide the basis for effective healthy relationships education.
School And District Policies To Increase Student Safety And Improve School Climate: Promoting Healthy Relationships And Preventing Teen Dating Violence
This policy toolkit was designed to support schools looking to foster a culture of healthy relationships and prevent teen dating violence. The toolkit offers best practices around the prevention of dating violence, as well as guidelines for early intervention and crisis response.
Shifting Boundaries: Final Report on an Experimental Evaluation of a Youth Dating Violence Prevention Program in New York City Middle Schools
The purpose of this study was to provide high‐quality scientific evidence concerning the effectiveness of targeting a young, universal primary prevention audience with classroom‐based curricula and school‐level interventions.
Expect Respect Program Overview: A School-Based Program for Preventing Teen Dating Violence and Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships
The Expect Respect Program is a school-based program designed to promote safe and healthy relationships.
Lessons from Literature
A Guide to Addressing Teen Dating and Sexual Assault in a School Setting
This guide details schools' responsibility to take a leadership role to prevent and respond to teen dating and sexual violence in schools and in the community.
Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (RAPP)
This school-based domestic violence prevention curriculum teaches students to recognize and prevent teen relationship abuse. Lesson plans include a variety of exercises. Parent workshop information and school staff development materials are also included.
Making the Peace: An Approach to Preventing Relationship Violence Among Youth
Describes a comprehensive school-based project that provided training and technical assistance to 2 communities implementing comprehensive dating/domestic violence prevention campaigns in their secondary schools.
Organizing College Campuses Against Dating Abuse
This publication provides information and assistance to staff in higher education and/or domestic violence programs who are interested in developing a comprehensive response to dating abuse as it affects students on college campuses.
Toolkit for Education Leaders: Your Campus Can Be Ready
#1Thing Action Guide: Inspiring Action Through a Unified Message
DV 101 Single Day Lesson Plan
This lesson addresses dating violence by using a series of videos (available on YouTube) as the basis for group discussion about different forms of abuse. It provides participants with strategies for safely ending a relationship and for seeking resources for themselves or friends.
RESPECT! Challenge Action Toolkit
Youth and Child Advocate and Educator Manual of Activities and Exercises for Children and Youth
This manual provides a listing of activities and exercises designed to be used by advocates and educators working with children and youth to prevent violence and foster healthy relationships. Manual includes descriptions of the activities, as well as information about the age level of the target audience, objective of the activity, required training materials, and time needed to complete the activity.
Love Is Not Abuse Curriculum: College Edition
This curriculum educates college students about the dangers and warning signs of dating violence, offers lessons specifically on abuse via technology and provides resources where students can find help on campus.
Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention
This free, online VetoViolence course provides educators with a basic knowledge of teen dating violence prevention.
Speak.Act.Change Youth Advocacy Kit
The Speak.Act.Change Youth Advocacy Kit is a service-learning, youth activism program designed to complement any basic dating violence education curriculum. The program gives students the tools to protect themselves and their peers from dating violence.