Cultural Competence Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
- Training Tools
July 2020
Increasing Access to Healing Services and Just Outcomes for Older African American Crime Survivors: A Toolkit for Enhancing Critical Knowledge and Informing Action within the Crime Victim Assistance Field
Publisher(s):National Resource Center for Reaching Victims, National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
Older African Americans experience crime and violence at the intersections of race, age, class, and other identities. This toolkit offers victim services providers and criminal justice systems stakeholders information and practical strategies to enhance their capacity to identify, reach, and serve older African American victims.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
June 2020
WEBINAR: Enhancing Services to Male Survivors Series Part 1: Changing the Narrative
Publisher(s): In part one of the Enhancing Services to Male Survivors Series, presenters engage in a discussion about including a gender-conscious philosophical framework for enhanced services to male survivors of domestic violence that links to and builds upon the historical roots of the movement against gender-based violence and is consistent with anti-discrimination laws and related grant conditions.
- General Material
June 2020
Helping Those Who Help Others: Key Findings from a Comprehensive Needs Assessment of the Crime Victims Field
Publisher(s): This report summarizes the main findings and crosscutting themes and outlines findings from the National Resource Center for Reaching Victims' needs assessment, offering strategies to support the crime victims field’s goal of reaching more people and closing service gaps.
- General Material
May 2020
COVID-19 Impact Briefs
Publisher(s): The National Resource Center for Reaching Victims conducted a series of listening sessions to unearth the impact the COVID-19 health crisis is having on underserved victims of crime and better resource the crime victim services field to respond to those needs. This series of impact briefs summarizes key findings.
- General Material
- Training Tools
May 2020
Addressing Resistance to Domestic and Family Violence Responses in CALD Communities
Publisher(s): This resource highlights the context and forms of resistance to gender equality and prevention of violence against women initiatives in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities in Australia. It is designed for those working to prevent or respond to violence against women in migrant and refugee communities.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
January 2020
How can domestic violence advocates better serve Muslim women in shelter?
Publisher(s): As domestic violence shelters build capacity to serve diverse populations and strive to become culturally competent, it is important for advocates to understand how they can have a direct impact on the outcome of the survivor’s path. In NRCDV's January 2020 Technical Assistance Question of the Month (TAQ), guest writer Saman Quraeshi offers strategies for supporting Muslim women in shelter.
- General Material
January 2020
From the Roots of Trauma to the Flowering of Trauma-Informed Care
Publisher(s): This report charts Texas Muslim Women's Foundation’s process of becoming a trauma-informed agency, which included learning about types of trauma and trauma-informed care, assessing existing culturally-sensitive practices that enhanced trauma-informed care and identifying ones that need to be added, training staff, and working with researchers to document and build a body of evidence-based practice — all the while staying survivor-centered.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
January 2020
National Workgroup on Safe Housing for American Indian and Alaska Native Survivors of Gender-Based Violence: Lessons Learned
Publisher(s):National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (NIWRC), Alaska Native Women's Resource Center, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)
In June 2019, a group of domestic violence organizations convened to establish a National Workgroup on Safe Housing for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Survivors of Gender-Based Violence. This report details themes that emerged from the convening, lessons learned, and recommendations for increasing access to safe and affordable housing for AI/AN survivors of gender-based violence.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
November 2019
How can allies support trans and genderqueer communities for Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) and beyond?
Publisher(s): Holding a Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) event is a strong show of support for the trans and genderqueer communities. If you are thinking about organizing one in your area, there are a number of important considerations before finalizing your plans. In NRCDV's November 2019 TA Question of the Month, guest author Miller Hoffman offers key considerations for allies.
- General Material
- Training Tools
October 2019
DVAM! Advocacy and Male Survivors of Domestic Violence
Publisher(s): LGBTQ culturally specific programs have a long history of supporting bisexual men, transgender men, and gay men who have survived domestic violence. This webinar shares the North West Network’s approach to meaningfully supporting male survivors by centering the experiences of bi+, trans, and gay men, and shares tips and best practices in providing advocacy.
- General Material
October 2019
Language Access Materials for Police and Prosecutors
Publisher(s): This webpage provides links to many resources and tools for police and prosecutors to improve meaningful language access for victims with limited English proficiency.
- General Material
- Training Tools
August 2019
Strong Families Respect Each Other: What Native Youth Need to Know About Domestic Violence
Publisher(s): The National Indigenous Women's Resource Center's Native Youth Handbook, produced in partnership with the Native Youth Sexual Health Network, contains definitions on domestic violence, examples of controlling violence, what to do if you are experiencing domestic violence in any form, for family and friends of people experiencing domestic violence and how Native youth can lead the change to breaking the silence around domestic violence in their communities.